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KOBACO innovates the advertisement industry
as a leading public media representative

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KOBACO, since its establishment in 1981, has been selling terrestrial broadcast advertising. For those years, it has contributed to the stable supply of financial resources for broadcasting corporations and has protected the public-service nature and the diversity of broadcasting. KOBACO was reborn as a government-funded public corporation on May 23, 2012. As a result, the area that KOBACO covers as a media representative has expanded from the previous terrestrial broadcasting to new media such as cable TV, satellite TV and IPTV. It also took on new tasks to promote the advertising industry, such as measuring advertising effectiveness, building and operating a fundamental advertising distribution network, and surveying and verifying audience share.

To achieve its vision of becoming an ‘Industry-leading Public Media Rep’, KOBACO is striving to reach its three major goals: to be ‘a forward-looking leader that guides the balanced development of the advertising industry’, ‘a specialized media rep with comprehensive media solutions’ and ‘a public-interest company that fulfills its social responsibility’..