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Public Service Ads

KOBACO builds a bright,
healthy society through its public service advertisement

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Since its first public service advertisement ‘Affluent tomorrow through saving’ in 1981, KOBACO has been carrying out public service advertising campaigns to raise public awareness about diverse social issues ranging from environmental protection to racial discrimination.

The public service advertising also scores high in creative merits, proven by the awards KOBACO has won such as ‘Advertisement of the Year Award’ from AIA(Association of Advertising Professionals), 'TVCF Award' from TVCF, a major portal site dedicated to advertising, and ‘Best of the Best’ from AD TIMES, a monthly industry magazine. Meanwhile, to raise people’s interest in public service advertising, KOBACO has been holding the annual ‘Korea Public Service Advertising Festival’ since 2009, which includes a large-scale contest, various exhibitions, seminars and other events.


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